Thursday, May 2, 2013


This few day I facing an issue which I almost losing the house.

A debt is so deep until bank want to take our house for lelong.

With this, all family member gather whatever money we have just to save the house. We even asking money from outsider.

I'm so stress in this. How can a person like this in my life?

My heart break as I look at the one who is my father who just have no idea what is being lead like example, guard and protect the family and live with responsible as a respectful father.
No. Not a word he can understand about it.

When problem can be solve by money, it isn't a problem at all.

After a day, things settle down. We begin have a plan and long team structure in taking over what a father should do and now, we do.

I'm so full of emotion, anger, disappointment and distress on  what i can do for my family.

I don't have much money when it needed.

I just pray. keep pray and ask God "what should I do?"

Now then I see God is truly be gracious for me not because of I ask and He give. Is He give even out of my expectation. I get comfort when I meeting with my elder. I found how Christian being helping one another.

I learn to look around for the need of other and need for myself. Sometime it could be just very simple.
I learn to be relax and have peace even this kind of storm in me and yet learn to smile. It is easy for me to cry than smile. But with God, in trusting him truly need to exersice on my faith. Now I have another feeling when I sing God will make a way, when there seem to be no way.

I know God has he purpose in everything I have in life. A purpose to allow me to trust Him more, relay on Him more and be a good children under His name.

As for now, let me grasp His grace and be it thankful for how I should pray for wisdom in doing things as God showing His way for me rather than going on in my own path.

My family members, my friends, my love one,and  my brothers and sister in Christ, I pray that one day God will can merciful enough to show how His love for me and yet show to you.

Money.. worry of life.. all this will not help you to be a faithful and fruitful Christian if I continue taking them along.

Let's pray.

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